Wednesday, March 28, 2012

List View Template-Table layout

Is it possible to set the template to generate table rows?Yes. There's 1 gotcha though: you need to define a tbody as well. So, the template for tables should look like:

<table runat="server">
<tr id="itemTemplate" runat="server">... </tbody>


I am having issues with this too, getting unknown runtime errors. Do you have a working example?

My code (probably far from what it should be):

<tablecellspacing="0"cellpadding="0"frame="box"style="border-collapse: collapse;">


Got it. The table and tbody have to go inside the LayoutTemplate. It's a little confusing ...

<tablecellspacing="0"cellpadding="0"frame="box"style="border-collapse: collapse;">

Please look at my previous post. The sample code disappeared cause the HTML in my message was not encoded. I tried to encode it myself, but it looks like the forum is a bit screwed up.

Anyway, as you can see the table/tbody should be inside the template. Also note which tags need to runat server...

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