Monday, March 26, 2012


I trying to implement this on a page and get the following java error.

AjaxControlToolkit.Resources.ListSearch_DefaultPrompt is null or not an object

this is the code

<cc1:listsearchextenderid="ListSearchExtender1"runat="server"targetcontrolid="ddlmylist"PromptText="Type to search"PromptCssClass="ListSearchExtenderPrompt"PromptPosition="Top"></cc1:listsearchextender>

any ideas?

I've not seen this one before -- could you try hitting Shift-Refresh to be sure that you are getting all the latest JavaScript scripts into the browser. If it still doesn't work could you try creating a new test web site and seeing if that also fails? If it does could you possibly zip it up and send it to me?


Damian (ListSearch contributor)

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