Monday, March 26, 2012

ListView - whats the point?

The Tasklist sample has the following code (which doesn't seem to work):

<invokeMethodAction target="listsDataSource" method="load" />

Can anyone confirm that they can successfully run the Tasklist sample, add a couple of Lists, exit and re-run the sample and have the lists load at startup? This doesn't work for me.

Also, I'm confused by themethod="load" code. Previous docs and samples hadmethod="select" which I took to be matching theDataObjectMethodType.Select attribute on the web-service.

Either way, this code doesn't appear to work...

While I'm here, what exactly is the point of the ListView template control? It doesn't maintain itself over postbacks. Am I missing something here?

Confused of London, UK.


are you talking about the client side control?

Hi - thanks for the reply.

Yes, I'm talking about the xml-script ListView template control in the Preview. It's used in the TaskList sample. From what I can see, it doesn't render after a partial postback.


the client ajax controls aren't supposed to maintain state between postbacks. with those controls, you should call web services in order to get data from the server side.

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