Monday, March 26, 2012

ListBox error with UpdatePanel

Using a listbox in an update panel with visible= false and AutoPostBack=true causes an error in the foloiwng code below. If I remove either the AutoPostBack and instead use a button to PostBack it works fine or if I remove the Visible it works fine. My workaround is to set the style of the listbox to display:none instead of using Visible.

I'm using the June CTP



publicpartialclassDefault2 : System.Web.UI.Page
protectedvoid ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,EventArgs e)
ListBox1.Visible =false;

protectedvoid AddListItems(object sender,EventArgs e)
ListBox1.Visible =true;


there's an issue with the UpdatePanel and the __doPostBack function that prevents it to be injected on the page if it is required by a control inside an UpdatePanel.

The solution is to force the server to drop the __doPostBack function. Add this statement in the Page_Load method:

Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, String.Empty);

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