Monday, March 26, 2012

ListSearch Tab or enter key event?


I'm pretty new to Ajax and so hopefully this question can easily be answered.

I have a ListSearch that extends a dropdownlist. When a user types for the list search, the correct item is chosen but I also want the dropdownlist to fire an event, preferably SelectedIndexChanged, if the user clicks the key Tab or enter. Right now a tab shows the correct item when a Tab is clicked but no event is fired. The SelectedIndexChanged event fires when a user clicks changes a GridView. I want the grid view to also change when the tab or enter key is pressed when using the ListSearch Any Ideas?

thanks for the help.

We have anissue tracking the selectedindex change event. If the tab key is hit when the focus is in the listbox should cause the onblur event to fire and you can hook into that. See thisbug for the enter/tab autopostback issue. You could update it with your scenario as well to make sure that the fix is covers it.

I'm running into the same problem as you guys are. I love how ListSearch Ajax works, but can't use it because it doesn't fire an event for the dropdownlist or manage the tab index.

In the meantime, I found this add-on tool that does what I'm looking for. Of course, it comes with a price. :-(

Go check out the "Contact Information" section.

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