Monday, March 26, 2012

ListSearchExtender AutoPostback not firing

We have a few list boxes that do an auto post back. When I extend the controls with the ListSearchExtender, the search works, but i can only get the autopostback to fire if I scroll down and click what I want. If i type what i want till it is selected and then tab away, hit enter, or click that item, the autopoastback does not work.

The dropdowns are in a wizard control and the wizard is in an update panel if that makes a difference.

Is this expected behaviour or am I missing something?

Other than that this is a really good new tool in the toolkit.

Hi, I am having the same problem. Here is an example of my controls. The autopostback is not firing. Any help would be appreciated:

<asp:DropDownListID="ddlConsumer"AutoPostBack="True"CssClass="DropDownLists"runat="server" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidatorID="valConsumer"ControlToValidate="ddlConsumer"ValidationGroup="Header"Text="*"runat="server"ErrorMessage="Consumer required"CssClass="ErrorMessages" />

There is a workitem related to this issue -- please vote if you are affected by it:

I'm guessing you wouldn't want/expect the auto-postback to fire every time an item is selected as you do an incremental search ... I presume you'd want it to fire just when you tabbed away from the ListBox -- or perhaps when you hit enter?



Yes onBlur or when enter button is pressed.

Thanks, will vote.

I was affected by this as well, but I implemented the following workaround. I hope that this works for you guys:

Basically, I created a client side js method called RaisePostBack that asks for a control reference.
<script type="text/javascript">
// This function is called by the AJAX List Extender control. It's just an easy way to raise a post
// back event from the client-side. This is only needed because there are child controls that are
// dependent on the requester's selected data in order to retrieve the correct data
function RaisePostBack(Control)
// First we need to make sure that the postback event doesn't fire when the value is blank
if(Control.value != "")
// Call the postback event
__doPostBack("", "");

As you can see there is a method being called __doPostBack("", "") which does the magic needed to emulate AutoPostBack="True" on the control itself. I also added the initial check for the value because I'm calling this method onBlur of the control and do not want to have it executed if the user is just tabbing thru the controls. I would also recommend adding an isDirty method possibly.

Here is what I added to my dropdownlist controls:
<asp:DropDownList ID="FacilityDropDownList" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"onBlur="RaisePostBack(this)" onChange="RaisePostBack(this)">
<AjaxToolkit:ListSearchExtender ID="FacilityListSearchExtender" runat="server" TargetControlID="FacilityDropDownList" PromptText=" ">

Good luck and happy coding.

This link indicates the fix has been released with version10606 of the Ajax Control Toolkit. I downloaded and installed this, as well as version 10618, but the postback by the DropDownList is still not getting fired.

Am I missing something, is there still a problem, or what? Should I try one of the work-arounds posting in this thread?

Thanks so much for any assistance.


Hi Dan,

It fires when you leave the ListBox or hit Enter -- there is a method you can call to have it fire the OnChange as soon as a change is made.

Can you let me know if this is the behavior you are seeing?



I tried hitting enter and also leaving the field with the tab key. moving focus to another textbox on the page. The SelectedIndexChanged did not fire in either case.



Is it possible that the previous installation of the Ajax Control Toolkit is in play even though I installed the later version? Is there anything in the GAC, for example, that might be messing things up? Is it possible to uninstall before installing the later version?



An old version of the toolkit is the most likely explanation, however the toolkit isn't loaded into the GAC (the ASP.NET AJAX assemblies are though). Could you double-check the toolkit assembly reference in your solution to ensure that it is pointing to the new toolkit?



Thank you for the post. This code does work. However, when I implemented it on my page, the postback now makes the entire page refresh, overriding the updatepanel control, which is the original reason I started using Ajax in the first place, to make a client style web application.

Please don't take this as a criticism. I just wanted to post the results I had using this solution, possibly saving someone else a few minutes if they don't want this behavior.

That was the problem. My project was still using an older AjaxControlToolkit.dll. I replaced it w/ the version from 10618 and now it works fine.

Thanks for all your help.


This was my problem as well. I just downloaded Ajax from the website. The default download link points you to version 1.0.10301.0. Maybe I'm blind or dense, but I did not see any options for a newer version until I found the previous post. Perhaps if someone from is monitoring this forum, they could get that link updated to point to the most recent version. Just a thought.

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