Monday, March 26, 2012

ListSearchExtender - prompt position problem

I started by adding one ListSearchExtender linked to a first DropDownList (SystemID) and everything was working fine, the prompt was appearing on top of my DropDownList. Then I added a second ListSearchExtender for a second DropDownList (Country) and now the prompt position appears way at the top of my table. I removed the fist ListSearchExtender and test with the second ListSearchExtender only and I still have my problem. Both ListSearchExtender are located in their own update panel with the DropDownList and ValidatorCalloutExtender.

Anyone has a suggestion on this one?


Hi Freedom,

Did you set the TargetControlID of the two ListSearchExtenders to the same control? I made a sample by following your description but failed to reproduce your issue. So would you please provide a simple sample here?Thanks

Best regards,


Did you set the updatemode on th updatepanels to conditional. This will avoid all the panels from refreshing.

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