Saturday, March 24, 2012

Load an aspx nto another aspx with ajax


I have a aspx page with a table and 1 DIV tag. I have a another aspx page with table and 2 maskedit ajax control toolkit.

I want to load second page into DIV of first page when user load first page. I want to show progress bar and after load completed second page added into first page (DIVpart)

can anyone help me for writting this code?

best reagrds

Not sure about the divs but you can accomplish this with .Net and Masterpages and multiple contentplaceholders...

Thank you for replying my post.

But can you write a small example for me that I can insert a aspx page into another one with AJAX. I need second page has a maskedit control toolkit and I can insrt it into first aspx page.

Best regardsEmbarrassed

Really sorry I can not - as I stay away frm master pages where possible -- however you can take a look the AjaxControl ToolKIt sample website (which you can download) and play around with it for yourself...

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