Saturday, March 24, 2012

Load in-line javascript functions after UpdatePanel refresh

I have a lot of user controls that have in-line javascript functions specific to the content of the user control, validations and automated reactions. This javascript is written mostly by client side developers. Is there any way to allow them to keep writting their in-line javascript on the user controls, but still have that javascript be active after an updatepanel conditionally makes the user control visible? For example imagine a page with a button and the user control. The user control is in an update panel tiggered by the button click. When clicked the user control has its visibility set to true and the user interacts with the newly visible controls contained within. Because the user control was initially in an update panel, the original page source does not contain the in-line javascript functions so they are never evaluated by the browser. In order to keep the client side group's functionali i've had to recreate the client side code on the server side by building a large string that references controls using the control.ClientID property (just like the client side group does with inline scriplets $get(<%= control.ClientId %>) and then registering this string on the page with ScriptManager. This is too inefficient a process and having the javascript placed on every page that uses the user control seems counter productive with regard to user controls. Placing all the javascript in external files that get loaded by ScriptManager is also not an option as the javascript is often control specfic. Is there no way to get the browser to recognise the in-line javascript after an update panel loads it? Is this something that is planned for the future if not?

Well, I don't know if it is the final solution, but I figured that I could use display:none and display:block on a panel wrapping the user control instead of using the Visible property on the control itself. This way the control (and most importantly the javascript) is initially rendered, but not browser visible. If there is still some way to use the built in Visible property to do what I want, please let me know. I like that the inital page load using the Visible property doesn't have the extra weight of controls that are not usuable.

You can give this approach a try:


I believe that approach will suffer from the same issue. The tabcontainer content will not be initially visible and so any inline javascript contained in a tabcontainer will not be evaluated by the browser.

Sorry about that I miss read your question. If the JS is embedded in the usercontrols they need to be loaded, so your solution works. I'm a bit confused why you need the JS loaded if they are control specific. Sounds like there may be a design problem with your solution.


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