Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Localize TextBoxWatermarkExtender

Hi All,

How are we meant to localize the TextBoxWatermarkExtender.WatermarkText? I have a control in a detailview and so have to access it with FindControl in the cs which means that the javascript is written when the control is found so the default is already set. I do not need dynamic control over the text but the ability to localize the control before rendering would be useful.

But on the site note, how would I change the text of a control that is already rendered? I can of course change the control but it's the javascript that is produced as a result of rendering that I am having trouble over coming.



Give this a try:


Using data binding to specify Extender properties

If you want to initialize Extender instances dynamically from data (instead of with server-side code), this is now supported. The example below demonstrates setting the "WatermarkText" property of a TextBoxWatermark from the "WatermarkTextField" value of a data source. A working example of Extender data binding within a Repeater can be found in the DataBinding.aspx automated test (in the ToolkitTests folder).

 <ajaxToolkit:TextBoxWatermarkExtender ID="TBWE" runat="server" TargetControlID="TextBox1"WatermarkText='<%# Eval("WatermarkTextField") %>' />


Thanks for the quick reply.

The information you provided was useful however the data I am trying to access is the global resources. I would normally use <%=Resources.resources.strings.WatermarkTextField %> however when I try to use this the string in the string on page is the exact string I wish to use. So how do I access the localization strings?


Can you use something like: "<%$ Resources:resources:strings, WaterMarkTextField %>" (not exactly sure of the syntax), see for more info.


Hi Damien,

You were almost spot on with it. The Syntax was "<%$ Resources:resources.strings, WaterMarkTextField %>". The only difference was the second colon was a dot.

Many thanks for your help.


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