Sunday, March 11, 2012

Long Refresh Times in GridView inside UpdatePanel

If I was you, I would check the queries to the database, normally they take a long time when I see this error.

It is not a good choice to show 2000 record in a single page. Enbale the GridView Paging. I would aslo suggest the DataBase paging also(RowNumber of SQLServer 2005). Also disable the viewstate of Gridview if you do not need it, it will also improve performance. And Finally if none of this works use the client side development model i mean web service call with this custom grid control which renders in client side instead of server.

Well - 2 replys. Thanks for the help. I will look into the paging posibility, but the requirement was to show all the results. Shoudl have fought hard for this up front, but you win some and lose some, maybe now I can add it back in. :)

First - the db query is only run once to fill the grid. (previous post).

Second - I will look at the article and the sample code for the client side grid.

Again thanks for the reply, and I will be back after to see if I need more help.

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