Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Loading Slow Controls Just Liek PAGEFLAKES

HELP !! I am in the process of roughing together a new web app for my company, and we will have controls that take ages to fetch the data. What I would really like to do is to have something like the pageflakes site which tells you that its loading the page, then the framework and then the controls. I can see how they do the page and the frame work, but I just can't work out how its done, as when ever I try to do it I just get a whole pageupdate, rather than indvidual controls.

Can anybody point me to some resources that could help me work this out?


This is something I am looking to do also. I have a few usercontrols that create charts and its takes maybe 8 seconds to retrieve the data from a complex Stored Procedure.

I have a asp:placeholder on the page that loads up the user control, I dont know how to just display the page quickly and then just show an atlas:updateProgress control to indicate that the usercontrol is loading in.

Any ideas? I have tried putting the code that loads the usercontrol into the page.loadComplete event but I am not getting the behaviour I am looking for.

I haven't actually tried this but what I would do is hook into the Sys.Application.load event (or create a pageLoad() function) see:

Then within the Javascript function I would do a PostBack call using the following:

Then all you would need on your aspx page would be an updatepanel around your placeholder and define an UpdateProgress control on you page.


P.S. This is not how PageFlakes does it. PageFlakes uses pure client side controls

Hi guys,

I implemented something similer in my web site.

It's all implemented using the lates ATLAS relese. If you are interset in how to implement the loading controls shot me anemail.

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